Health Care and Beauty

Sharing and tips on how to get natural health and beauty



January 17, 2018

8 Benefits of Garlic for Health

benefits of garlic

Some Benefits of Garlic for Health - In Indonesia as well as in all corners of the world garlic is very famous , garlic was  powerful to ward off some types of diseases. The benefits of garlic are many that we can feel for everyday life. What makes this garlic popular is its ability to prevent cancer.

Nutrition of garlic

Garlic is one of the herbs that have a very good nutritional content and in need by the body. Garlic is very high in vitamin C and calcium and iron.

Here is a summary of the nutrients given by garlic per 136 gr of garlic:

    Vitamin C; Meets 71% daily requirement
    Calcium; Meet 25% daily requirement
    Iron; Meet 13% daily requirement
    Carbohydrates (45 grams); 15% daily requirement
    Fiber (3 g); meet 11% daily requirement.

Nutrients contained in the content of garlic is very beneficial to the human body, this herb certainly can help support the health of the body and make us free from various dangerous diseases.

To get the maximum benefit is recommended to eat garlic without cooked or processed first.

The process of cooking and processing garlic causes the loss of various nutrients and essential ingredients. So, eating raw garlic like eating this fruit will ensure all the essential nutrients are not lost. If you regularly eat garlic in raw state, at least twice a week, you can get various benefits

See also : - Some Benefits of Green Tea
                    - The Benefits of Coconut Water
                    - Some of the Benefits of "the white" Kolang-Kaling

Here are 8 benefits of garlic for health


1. Lower cholesterol levels

According to a study published in the Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, consuming at least 10 grams of raw garlic every day for two months managed to help lower cholesterol levels quite a lot.

Another study conducted by experts at Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences also revealed that eating raw garlic can increase good cholesterol levels while lowering bad cholesterol levels in the body. To get the conclusion, the study participants published in the Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences was asked to consume 10 grams of raw garlic for 42 days.

some benefits of garlic
2. Lowering the risk of cancer

Raw garlic is rich in bioactive sulfur compounds. According to the National Cancer Institute in the United States, these compounds can prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body. This is because bioactive sulfur serves to repair or kill damaged body cells, protect the body from carcinogenic substances, and inhibit the spread of unhealthy cells.

3. Prevent heart disease

The good news comes from a study published in The Journal of Nutrition. In the study, it was revealed that raw garlic can help reduce the buildup of plaque on the coronary arteries, the blood vessels that pump blood to the heart.

4. Prevent high blood pressure and control hypertension

Polysulfide content in raw garlic proved able to control blood pressure for people with hypertension. According to a scientific journal Maturitas, polysulfide will help relieve and open blood vessels so as not to get too much pressure. No wonder if eating raw garlic for three months was able to lower blood pressure up to 10 mmHg.

5. Maintain brain health

Various disorders that attack the brain such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia apparently can be prevented by eating raw garlic. Recent research in the Journal of Neurochemistry proves that the S-allyl-L-cysteine ​​(SAC) and antioxidant compounds found in garlic are able to keep the brain from various cognitive impairments. Chemical elements are tasked to prevent the buildup of plaque or harmful substances in the central nervous system.

6. Relieves infections, inflammation, and colds

Sharing a fairly common disease can be eased with the help of raw garlic rich in allicin. Active allicin compounds found in garlic have antiviral, antimicrobial, and antifungal functions that kill potent organisms that can cause disease.

7. Lose weight

Various researches have found that the anti-inflammatory substances contained in garlic can help regulate the fat cells that form in our body. Obesity or weight occurs when fat continues to form, this stage transforms Pre-adipocytes into fat cells (adipocytes) through a process we call the inflammatory system. Vinyldithiin substances contained in garlic can help inhibit the occurrence of this inflammatory process is certainly good to prevent weight.

8. Increase Iron Metabolism

Recent research on garlic has shown that it is very powerful in boosting iron metabolism. Iron is stored in cells that exist in our body, the next activity is the transfer out of the cell and back in the circulation of the body that would require a protein called ferroportin. Ferroportin is a protein that runs across cell membranes, and provides a bridge for iron to cross and leave cells. Garlic can increase the production of this protein so as to help keep the iron circulating in the body as needed.

Hopefully article 8 benefits of garlic for health is useful to you.

Positive thinking and healthy living habits.


November 22, 2015

Spinach secret for Beauty and Health

Spinach secret for Beauty and Health - Hi guys ... must have been watching Popeye cartoons. The sailors were getting strength after eating spinach. Turns out eating spinach is not only beneficial for health but also for beauty.
Spinach contains vitamins A, C and minerals such as iron can make a person look younger and makes the skin more supple and bright.

Generally, green vegetables contain vitamin A, which is one type of vitamin that very nice and important for healthy skin. Spinach can provide supply of vitamin A in the body. The content of vitamin A in spinach is very good for the skin because of the function of vitamin A is to regenerate dead skin cells. Coupled with vitamin E are antioxidants that are good for the skin of other vitamins contained in spinach is vitamin B, C and E.

Spinach also contains iron which is so high that either consumed.
Additionally carotene, amino acids, potassium, iodine, and alkaline help pH balance in the body so that the skin becomes more awake beauty.
Other content in spinach is calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, biotin, manganese and

In general, the benefits of spinach for skin care include:

1. Anti-aging
Spinach is rich in antioxidants that can destroy free radicals in the body. These free radicals can damage the skin and cause premature aging.

2.  As Sunscreen
B vitamins in spinach can protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet light, so the skin is protected from damage as a result of damage caused by the bad influence of sunlight.

3. Stimulate Hair Growth
The content of Vitan B, C and E as well as calcium, iron, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids may help hair growth. Iron can help fastening oxygen in red blood cells, and then distributed to hair follicles to
nourish the hair shaft from within and makes hair stronger.

4. Cure Acne
The content of vitamin A and C in spinach that function as antioxidants against the growth of bacteria that cause acne.

Spinach can be consumed as fresh, eaten in the form of salads, juices and green smoothies.
Eat green vegetables such as spinach should be cooked properly. Spinach contains iron which if any of the cooking, the iron contained in spinach can turn into toxic substances.
Spinach should be processed by boiling, steaming, and made juice.

Cooking spinach, when ripe spinach should be directly consumed.
Because in addition to iron, spinach also contains nitrate (NO3).
If it is too long and not immediately consumed, the nitrate will turn into Nitrite (NO2) is a compound which is colorless and odorless, but toxic.
Spinach should not be consumed if more than 4 hours.

In addition to the beauty of spinach is also beneficial for health, among others:
1. Nutrisi to heart
The content of vitamin A and C sera folic acid and magnesium in spinach arise could prevent heart disease and prevent heart attacks.

2. Create a vision so better
The content of vitamin A and lutein, a carotenoid in spinach can nourish eye or vision organ and prevent loss of vision and prevent cataract.

3. Prevent Cancer
The content of flavonoids in spinach can prevent cancers such as breast cancer and prostate cancer.

4. Increase the brain's memory
Increasing age certainly will decrease the ability to remember something.
The content of nutrients in spinach can improve brain memory / power remember.

5. Feed your bones and joints
Calcium and magnesium in spinach is able to strengthen bones so that bone loss can be prevented as early as possible.
That's some of the benefits of spinach for beauty and health.
Hope it is useful.


October 28, 2015

How to Remove Acne with Radish

How to remove acne with radish - What if you have acne face. It would be very disturbing appearance and eliminate self-confidence. Many products and beauty treatments are offered to solve the problem of acne, sometimes much some people the wrong choose products and  treatment.  And consequently even more acne. Many people do not know the natural materials such as radishes can reduce acne without side effects.
For example, the side effects from the use of chemicals that can cause the skin becomes inflamed.

<img src="  " alt="remove acne with radish"/>Radish is a vegetable which has many  benefits for health and beauty.
Readily available and inexpensive, this plant is often used to reduce
acne on the face.

The content in radish

Radish contains such as: vitamins A, B1, B2, astiri oil, choline, niacin, calcium, iron, phosphorus and oxalic acid.
While leaf of radish contain vitamins A and C and contains astiri oil.
Even radish seeds  has 40% astiri oil.
The amount of content contained in this vegetable radish make very beneficial for health and beauty.
One of them is used as a mask for facial skin beauty.

Masks from radishes to reduce acne you can try. To use radishes as a mask choose fresh radish and white.
Because of the fresh radish will keep both the content and other substances.

Make a mask of radishes

Make a mask of radishes is easy.
First, prepare fresh radish and white color.
Peel and wash radishes to clean until no sap.
Furthermore, radishes be mashed with the grated way.

How to Use Masks Radish
First clean the face.
Further use grated radishes as a mask.
Let stand for 20-25 minutes to dry.
Then rinse using clean water.
Masks radishes can also be mixed with natural ingredients such as olive oil and honey to the face becomes smooth and moist.

Masks radishes should be used when acne dried.
This is to avoid burning in the face.
Masks radishes safe for the skin because it is a natural material with the content vitamin C is high.
To get the most done routinely every night before sleep until the acne disappears.

The healing process of acne with radishes masks hanging from the many and severe acne or not.
Who have severe inflammation of acne should be treated immediately by skin specialist docter.
However prevent acne is better than cure after the acne that arise.
Therefore, avoid eating high fat foods because it would make oil production in the body increases so that the acne easily arise.
Frequently drink water every day is also a natural way to prevent acne.

Hopefully the article How to remove acne with radish useful to you.
Positive thinking and healthy living habit.


October 26, 2015

Healthy and Beautiful with Eat Cucumber

Benefits of Cucumber - The moisture content as well as vitamin C and other minerals contained in cucumber is very beneficial for health and beauty. It feels refreshing and very high water content favored by many people.

Additionally cucumber is easy to obtain nd cultivated both in the home page that does not require a large area.
Cucumbers contain a lot of nutrients and antioxidants are high enough.

Existing content in cucumbers

In addition to antioxidants such as flavonoids, lignin and triterpens, cucumber also contains vitamin K, vitamin C and vitamin B1.
Cucumbers also contain panthotenic acid, copper, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, and biotin. Cucumbers contain anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer.

Cucumber benefits for health and beauty

Because it has diuretic properties, the effect of cooling and cleaning, cucumber has a myriad of benefits for health and beauty.
Cucumber following benefits for health and beauty:

1. Prevent Cancer
The content of lignin contained in the cucumber very well to prevent it from various types of cancers such as breast, ovary, uterus and prostate.

2. Control your blood pressure
Cucumber contains potassium, magnesium and fiber is very good for treat high blood pressure or low blood pressure that often experienced by most people.

3. Reduce Cholesterol Levels in Blood
Cucumber contains compounds called sterols that are very powerful reduce cholesterol levels that could harm us

4. Eliminate Toxins in In The Body
Water content nearly 95%, cucumbers effectively removes toxins in the body.
Toxins in the body are excreted in urine and sweat.

5. Kidney Care
Cucumber showed benefit in helping to alleviate bladder problems bladder and kidneys and the fact that cucumbers are the best natural diuretic. Water contained in cucumber helps kidney function by launching urination

6. Helping to overcome weight
Cucumbers are low in calories and contain very high water. For you which is being put through a weight loss program, cucumbers are very suitable to answer it. a high water content and fiber in the diet Cucumber is very effective in ridding the body of toxins that exist in digestive system.
Therefore cucumber is an ideal diet for people who are want to lose weight.

7. Eliminate BREATH
The content of the phytochemicals in the cucumber will kill the bacteria that cause bad breath.
The trick -     Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the ceiling with the    mouth tongue for 1 minute.
                     To get the most done this way   as often as possible.

For beauty cucumber can be used as a face mask as care from the outside.
Face masks containing cucumber juice can be used to tighten skin and reduce eye fatigue problem or circle black around the eyes. The content of ascorbic acid and caffeic acid in cucumber can reduce the level of water retention.

This will reduce the swelling around the eyes. Cucumber mask can be used a week once.

Cucumbers are also great for hair beauty, because it contains cucumber
silica which is useful for hair. If the hair is less fertile, eating cucumber regularly will help hair growth infertile.
Cucumbers are also able to maintain healthy skin, especially oily skin types
and dry skin. Levels of antioxidants present in cucumber can reduce oil content and brightens  skin.

Those are some benefits that can be obtained from cucumber.
May be useful for all.


October 24, 2015

Benefits of Honey for Health

Benefits of Honey for Health - Benefits of honey has been known for centuries years ago, anyone would like from the young to the elderly because of its sweet taste. In addition to the sweet taste, honey is believed to contain many health benefits and beauty.

The content contained in honey

Is the largest sugar content in honey other than vitamins and minerals. Because of the substance of the compound of glucose, fructose and monosaccharide that is what makes sugar taste sweet. The content of honey also are antioxidants for the body that is pinobaksin, chrysin, catalase and vitamin.
Because honey is liquid water there is little activity then makes the microorganisms can not thrive. That is what causes the honey to survive durable for a long time.

Benefits of honey for health

There are so many benefits obtained from honey include:

1. Keeping the digestive tract function
Before going to bed the night are advised to drink a glass of milk with the addition of 2 tablespoons of honey. If done routinely in this way will maintain the function of the digestive tract.

2. Cure Sore Throat
If you have inflammation and itching in the throat with a cough that would not stop, try to make their own medicine from honey.
How to make water plus tea with honey and lemon juice also add
Drink 3 times a day.
And do not forget after drinking tea laced lemon honey is always drinking water for creators compound sweetness in the honey and lemon are not left behind in the throat.

3. Reduce the Symptoms of Asthma and Allergies
Anti-inflammatory found in honey can reduce symptoms of allergies and asthma. Honey is very effective in counteracting the body's allergic to an object that often makes us sneeze - sneezing.

4. Improve Immune System
Immune system can also be obtained from the nutrients found in honey daily routine when we drink honey.

5. Overcoming Insomnia
According to one study, the majority of people who suffer from insomnia, honey can also be used to treat the disorder.
The trick mix the tea water, ginger, cinnamon and honey and drink before bed at night.
Honey has a calming nature of the body so that your body will soon relax and fall asleep immediately.

6. Prevent Bacteria
Honey is also an anti-bacterial agent that protects the body from bacterial infections that cause disease, when used to treat burns can naturally protect against bacteria. In addition it also handles scars from insect bites.

7. Lose Weight
By drinking honey every day will reduce our weight in honey because there are vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that play a role to control our weight.

That 7  of benefits that can be obtained from honey.
Hope it is useful...


October 18, 2015

The Benefits of Coconut Water

Benefits of Coconut Water - Indonesia is famous for the island nation, from Sabang to Merauke lined islands  towering high mountain vast stretches of ocean. Likewise with diverse plants, one of which is a palm tree.
Yups ... this plant is widely known to the public Indonesia and even the world as a tree containing 1001 benefits. Not only stems can be used to build a house, but everything can be exploited for our purposes.

Ok guys ... this time I will share information about one part of the coconut that contains "1001 benefits".

What it is ... it's part of the coconut water ... or what is often called coconut water.

In Indonesian coconut water is very easy to get, in addition to taste sweet and refreshing there are many benefits derived from coconut water to the health of our bodies.

Because so many benefits, it is now many emerging product manufacturer that makes coconut water based beverages.

But of course, the original coconut water better than coconut water that has been processed and packaged by the manufacturer.

 1001 benefits of coconut water
 In addition to eliminating thirst, here are some 1001 benefits obtained from coconut water:

1. Neutralize toxins

Coconut water is believed to neutralize toxins in the body. If you are poisoning food or drink for the first aid is advisable to drink coconut water. After that you should receive medical attention.

2. Prevent Aging

Who would not want to stay young, keep skin firm and healthy. Certainly whoever wants it.

With properties that can balance PH levels, coconut water is also beneficial to prevent premature aging.

3. Prevent Dehydration

Ion deficiency in the body will cause a lack of fluids or dehydration. Coconut water is also believed and according to some studies can prevent dehydration, either dehydration depleted exercise or dehydration resulting from diarrhea and dengue fever

4. Good for digestion

In coconut water content such as vitamin C, vitamin B and also has calcium, zinc and manganese, minerals, vitamins and folic acid. Bioactive enzymes such as folic acid that is what is needed to facilitate digestion and metabolism in the body.

5. As an antioxidant

Coconut water also contains vitamins and nutrients which may be an antioxidant for the body that will boost immunity so that we are not susceptible to disease.

6. Lose weight

Coconut water has long been used for one way to lose weight. To lose weight, coconut water is believed to be very effective. Coconut water is a healthy beverage for weight loss and has been proven

By drinking coconut water, the stomach will feel full so that the delay hunger.
 7. Good for pregnant women

In addition to containing electrolyte, the content of coconut water also contains sodium and calcium as well as vitamin C which is needed for pregnant women. For pregnant women, coconut water is a healthy beverage that can ease the 'morning sickness' and prevent vomiting.

That's some of the benefits from 1001 benefits of coconut water, and it is important to remember, coconut water consumption should be regular and measurable and do not overdo it.

Enough 2 cups in the morning or afternoon.

Do not consume coconut water at night before sleep, because the properties are readily absorbed by the body it will cause glucose heap.
Hopefully this article useful to you


October 14, 2015

Some Benefits of Green Tea

Some Benefits of Green Tea - Who never drank green tea.?
Yups ..... Lately drink green tea often become the talk at the office, community and social media. In fact, green tea has been much consumed and popular in Japan, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and the West.

Some Benefits of Green Tea

In addition to refreshing taste and according to studies and research experts turns green tea can prevent various diseases.
I myself really like green tea mixed with ice cubes, it feels very refreshing ...-)

Green tea contains powerful natural antioxidants and low in caffeine. Suitable for those of you who do not like high-caffeinated beverages. Antioksidan present in green tea called polyphenols which are often very healthy for the body and the most phenomenal this time was green tea can prevent the growth of cancer cells and heart disease. Wow ... awesome 

Green tea is a name derived from the leaves of the tea plant Camellia Sinensis. How to serve it is highly recommended to be brewed, how it is intended to prevent the loss of the existing content of catechins in green tea.

Catechins itself is shaped molecule clusters epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which can inhibit tumorigenesis and improve human metabolism.

Besides untuh prevent or inhibit cancer cells, following some of the benefits of green tea can be obtained if taken regularly:

1. Lowering Cholesterol
Health would be disrupted if the levels of cholesterol in the body is very high. With green tea taken regularly every day will lower cholesterol in the body.
Tannin content in green tea reduces cholesterol LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) that cause plaque in the arteries that will lead to blockages in the body.

2. Immunity will increase
With antioxidants present in green tea are polyphenols and flavonoids, immunity or immunity in the body will increase, so will make the body healthier and more resistant to disease and fight infection.

3. Reduce Depression and Stress
The more frequent and regular green tea a person drinks, the smaller the depression and stress level of the person. It was said by the American Botanical Council through one of its research.
The content of theanine in green tea will reduce the level of anxiety and stress.
Besides glucose the brain needs will also be maintained with the polyphenols present in green tea.

4. Healthy Liver
Liver health can also be obtained from drinking green tea regularly and measurable. With no green tea antioxidants counteract free radicals will keep the risk of fatty liver in order to keep the heart healthy.

5. Relieve the symptoms of Asthma
The content of theophylline in green tea will make the muscles relaxes the bronchial tubes so that will reduce the severity of asthma someone.

That's some of the benefits of green tea and keep in mind ya friend, green tea will be healthy and beneficial if taken regularly and measured not excessive.
To get the benefits drink 2 or 3 cups of green tea a day.

I hope this article helps.
Healthy is beautiful.
Beautiful is health.