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How to Remove Acne with Radish

How to remove acne with radish - What if you have acne face. It would be very disturbing appearance and eliminate self-confidence. Many products and beauty treatments are offered to solve the problem of acne, sometimes much some people the wrong choose products and  treatment.  And consequently even more acne. Many people do not know the natural materials such as radishes can reduce acne without side effects.
For example, the side effects from the use of chemicals that can cause the skin becomes inflamed.

<img src="  " alt="remove acne with radish"/>Radish is a vegetable which has many  benefits for health and beauty.
Readily available and inexpensive, this plant is often used to reduce
acne on the face.

The content in radish

Radish contains such as: vitamins A, B1, B2, astiri oil, choline, niacin, calcium, iron, phosphorus and oxalic acid.
While leaf of radish contain vitamins A and C and contains astiri oil.
Even radish seeds  has 40% astiri oil.
The amount of content contained in this vegetable radish make very beneficial for health and beauty.
One of them is used as a mask for facial skin beauty.

Masks from radishes to reduce acne you can try. To use radishes as a mask choose fresh radish and white.
Because of the fresh radish will keep both the content and other substances.

Make a mask of radishes

Make a mask of radishes is easy.
First, prepare fresh radish and white color.
Peel and wash radishes to clean until no sap.
Furthermore, radishes be mashed with the grated way.

How to Use Masks Radish
First clean the face.
Further use grated radishes as a mask.
Let stand for 20-25 minutes to dry.
Then rinse using clean water.
Masks radishes can also be mixed with natural ingredients such as olive oil and honey to the face becomes smooth and moist.

Masks radishes should be used when acne dried.
This is to avoid burning in the face.
Masks radishes safe for the skin because it is a natural material with the content vitamin C is high.
To get the most done routinely every night before sleep until the acne disappears.

The healing process of acne with radishes masks hanging from the many and severe acne or not.
Who have severe inflammation of acne should be treated immediately by skin specialist docter.
However prevent acne is better than cure after the acne that arise.
Therefore, avoid eating high fat foods because it would make oil production in the body increases so that the acne easily arise.
Frequently drink water every day is also a natural way to prevent acne.

Hopefully the article How to remove acne with radish useful to you.
Positive thinking and healthy living habit.

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