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8 Benefits of Garlic for Health

benefits of garlic

Some Benefits of Garlic for Health - In Indonesia as well as in all corners of the world garlic is very famous , garlic was  powerful to ward off some types of diseases. The benefits of garlic are many that we can feel for everyday life. What makes this garlic popular is its ability to prevent cancer.

Nutrition of garlic

Garlic is one of the herbs that have a very good nutritional content and in need by the body. Garlic is very high in vitamin C and calcium and iron.

Here is a summary of the nutrients given by garlic per 136 gr of garlic:

    Vitamin C; Meets 71% daily requirement
    Calcium; Meet 25% daily requirement
    Iron; Meet 13% daily requirement
    Carbohydrates (45 grams); 15% daily requirement
    Fiber (3 g); meet 11% daily requirement.

Nutrients contained in the content of garlic is very beneficial to the human body, this herb certainly can help support the health of the body and make us free from various dangerous diseases.

To get the maximum benefit is recommended to eat garlic without cooked or processed first.

The process of cooking and processing garlic causes the loss of various nutrients and essential ingredients. So, eating raw garlic like eating this fruit will ensure all the essential nutrients are not lost. If you regularly eat garlic in raw state, at least twice a week, you can get various benefits

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Here are 8 benefits of garlic for health


1. Lower cholesterol levels

According to a study published in the Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, consuming at least 10 grams of raw garlic every day for two months managed to help lower cholesterol levels quite a lot.

Another study conducted by experts at Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences also revealed that eating raw garlic can increase good cholesterol levels while lowering bad cholesterol levels in the body. To get the conclusion, the study participants published in the Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences was asked to consume 10 grams of raw garlic for 42 days.

some benefits of garlic
2. Lowering the risk of cancer

Raw garlic is rich in bioactive sulfur compounds. According to the National Cancer Institute in the United States, these compounds can prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body. This is because bioactive sulfur serves to repair or kill damaged body cells, protect the body from carcinogenic substances, and inhibit the spread of unhealthy cells.

3. Prevent heart disease

The good news comes from a study published in The Journal of Nutrition. In the study, it was revealed that raw garlic can help reduce the buildup of plaque on the coronary arteries, the blood vessels that pump blood to the heart.

4. Prevent high blood pressure and control hypertension

Polysulfide content in raw garlic proved able to control blood pressure for people with hypertension. According to a scientific journal Maturitas, polysulfide will help relieve and open blood vessels so as not to get too much pressure. No wonder if eating raw garlic for three months was able to lower blood pressure up to 10 mmHg.

5. Maintain brain health

Various disorders that attack the brain such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia apparently can be prevented by eating raw garlic. Recent research in the Journal of Neurochemistry proves that the S-allyl-L-cysteine ​​(SAC) and antioxidant compounds found in garlic are able to keep the brain from various cognitive impairments. Chemical elements are tasked to prevent the buildup of plaque or harmful substances in the central nervous system.

6. Relieves infections, inflammation, and colds

Sharing a fairly common disease can be eased with the help of raw garlic rich in allicin. Active allicin compounds found in garlic have antiviral, antimicrobial, and antifungal functions that kill potent organisms that can cause disease.

7. Lose weight

Various researches have found that the anti-inflammatory substances contained in garlic can help regulate the fat cells that form in our body. Obesity or weight occurs when fat continues to form, this stage transforms Pre-adipocytes into fat cells (adipocytes) through a process we call the inflammatory system. Vinyldithiin substances contained in garlic can help inhibit the occurrence of this inflammatory process is certainly good to prevent weight.

8. Increase Iron Metabolism

Recent research on garlic has shown that it is very powerful in boosting iron metabolism. Iron is stored in cells that exist in our body, the next activity is the transfer out of the cell and back in the circulation of the body that would require a protein called ferroportin. Ferroportin is a protein that runs across cell membranes, and provides a bridge for iron to cross and leave cells. Garlic can increase the production of this protein so as to help keep the iron circulating in the body as needed.

Hopefully article 8 benefits of garlic for health is useful to you.

Positive thinking and healthy living habits.

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